10/17/2005 10:29:00 PM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|PODcasting refers originally to a creative application for the Apple TM IPod musical player. Some companies have started to create programs that can be downloaded onto this player. Now PODcasting has become a more generic term for edited mobile portable audio content. And that's why it deserves a place on this mobile monday brussels blog. Podcasting does what RSS has done for news: it brings togehter your own personalised content, and always fresh and renewed. Probably it is less 'autistic' than carrying your own music play list be it some 1000 numbers. I would refer to following site with a listing of around 35 Belgian PODcast sites and background information how this works technically: http://www.podcasting.be/ Note that if you are a fan of the Belgian Prime minster, and want to hear his latest speeches, than you can subscribe to this podcastllink, that will update his audiospeeches on http://www.premier.fgov.be/fr/podcast.html and podcastlink: http://www.premier.fgov.be/fr/podcast.xml|W|P|112910614843156984|W|P|PODcasting: Belgian info|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com10/28/2005 01:07:00 PM|W|P|Blogger Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.10/28/2005 01:10:00 PM|W|P|Blogger Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|Another list of links: (source Michel Bauwens

- Podcasting for dummies, at http://www.marketingshift.com/2005/03/eric-rice-podcasting-for-dummies.cfm

- How to do audio recordings, at http://mediastorm.org/AudioPT2.html


- Vlogging tutorial, at http://www.freevlog.org/

- Vlogging inEurope, at VlogEurope // VlogEurope Yahoo Group // VlogEurope Wiki

- Open source Internet Video console, at http://openvision.tv/home/home.html

“With the I/ON Internet Video Console, you can connect with the Internet video you want. Subscribe to Podcasts, Video Blogs or use our search feaure to find the video content you want.”

- How to create a vodcast, at http://playlistmag.com/features/2005/07/howtovodcast/index.php?lsrc=mwrss

“Vodcasts = Video-On-Demand-casts: The technology behind vodcasting is the same as the magic that makes up podcasting—RSS. By preparing your movies properly and creating the right feed, you can offer your audience video on demand through an application familiar to us all: iTunes 4.9, a version of iTunes that supports playback of local and streamed video. Here’s how to go about creating and distributing a vodcast of your own.”10/10/2005 06:33:00 PM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|In addition to the approximate 1000 numbers of hotspots, a new entreant, the Irish free hotspot, has launched its operations in Belgium. Through the search engine, we can find already 12 links in Belgium. The company would want to work through a (localised?) add-based model, following what Google aims to do in the US. Search for Belgium on: http://free-hotspot.jiwire.com|W|P|112896227419583267|W|P|WIFI hotspots|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com10/03/2005 08:30:00 AM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|A very active week in Belgium in terms of telecoms news and shuffling in alliances. Story 1: Belgacom makes bid on integrator Telindus Telindus build out the network of Mobistar when it started operations in Belgium. Telindus still owns shares in Mobistar. Of course Belgacom, if it acquires Telindus, will not want to have these shares as this means possible competitive problems with its daughter company Belgacom mobile. Two scenarios: - Orange group (France Telecom) might decide to buy all the remaining stake of Telindus in Mobistar and become main shareholder. - Orange group (France Telecom) might do a counterbid on Telindus, and by so acquire also main shareholdership in Mobistar and in an European based intergrator Telindus. So some changes in Mobistar and for sure speculation on its share will continue. Story 2: Telenet The triple play operator has launched its IPO offering, and so will have quite some cash in the coming weeks: to do what? This week the anounced MVNO with BASE was apparently curtailed. Rumours mentioning that an MVNO offer could come from Mobistar, even that Telenet would want to acquire the 4th UMTS license (low probability) To be followed...|W|P|112819306433259252|W|P|Mobile this week: the Mobistar week|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com10/03/2005 07:28:00 AM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|And, what is happening across the channel? Well, according the official BBC is starting with major mobile TV trial starts. 1. A full-scale UK trial of the technology that will let people watch TV directly on their mobiles has been launched. The Arqiva and O2 trial with 400 people in Oxford will test the technology that lets mobiles receive direct TV signals, and people's desire to watch mobile TV. Sixteen channels will be available to the triallists, including BBC One and Two, ITV 1 and 2, and Channel 4. 2. Although 3G networks are currently used to watch some TV content on mobiles, the Oxford trial will test out the more complicated technology, called DVB-H, which stands for digital video broadcasting - handheld. It is one of two formats or standards with which global broadcasters and the mobile industry have been experimenting across US, Germany, France, Finland, Sweden and other countries. Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4271474.stm|W|P|112819145336416027|W|P|Mobile TV 3G and DVBH trials starting in UK|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com