3/20/2006 03:15:00 AM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|+ Recent speech of Commissioner V. Reding on mobile TV EU initiative: http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/06/157&format=PDF&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en + Television is going Mobile – and needs a pan European policy approach The workshop on "mobile broadcasting - Technological developments, market opportunities regulations and policy " took place in Brussels and discussed serveral policy topics like: - How to bring mobile TV? Alcatel imagens it is going to be using DVB-H technology on the S-Band (2,2 Ghz) which is in essential satelite spectrum. It will be deployed first over the existing terrestrial mobile phone networks and than next onto satelite in order to cover 100 million viewers by 2010. - Other pretenders look at DVB (Digital Video Broadcast) in the UHF band (TV-centric), DAB in VHF/L aband (Radio centric), DMB, T-DAB, and MBMS (UMTS) Download all the presentations here:http://www.cordis.lu/ist/audiovisual/neweve/e/ws230206/ws230206_a.htm|W|P|114286436779492813|W|P|Mobile TV: recent EU policy developments|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com3/14/2006 08:46:00 PM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|Le Soir (www.laviedunet.be/sites_sat/viedunet/telecoms/page_6089_417328.shtml) reports on the intention of the Brussels region to start a trial WIMAX spot in the area of Etterbeek, the university campus. This initiative is a follow-up of the earlier launch of WIFI information booths around the city (about 20 booths) for the moment. Apparently there is a problem of license; with a number of players in this field (http://www.clearwire.be with e pre-wimax netork in the air), available spectrum of course will become a scarce resource!|W|P|114236561052060124|W|P|WIMAX testing in Brussels|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com3/06/2006 08:59:00 AM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|4000 test users, a platform covering two cities with WIFI400 hotspots, and a bunch of creative projects: welcome to the kick-off of the i-city project in Hasselt and Leuven. Please find information in English about this project at following link: http://www.i-city.be/icity/|W|P|114236677516717697|W|P|i-city project : kick-off|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com