5/29/2006 12:11:00 AM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|Dubbed the blue phone, a few years ago, the English company BT has stamped a new name for its convergent service, called BT Fusion. BT Benelux has announced that the service that contains a hybrid mobile phone from Motorola, will be launched in the Benelux. One way for BT to get back on the mobile trail after having sold its mobile subsidiary in the UK|W|P|114898392317076124|W|P|BT Benelux to launch BT Fusion|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com5/22/2006 04:36:00 AM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|The 1st Festival of Mobile Movieswill be held from the 1st of June till 23 in Brussels The purpose of this festival is to encourage the use of new technologies as well as artistic creation. Whoever has a GSM able to take video is invited to take part and send its achievements via the site of the event: www.mobilefilmfestival.be. The only constraint imposed to the participants is not to exceed 1 minute of film. The actor Nicolas Buysse will animate for its part the ceremony of handing-over of the "Mobile of Or"that will be held on June 23 in the Casino of Brussels. The jury will allot rewards for "Best film", the "Best Scenario ", the "most unexpected Scenario" . The public present in the room will be able to vote by sms to elect his favorite film.|W|P|114796299994265313|W|P|1st Mobile Festival in Belgium|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com5/12/2006 09:03:00 AM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|Of course, nothing is to blame on the new mobile applications. As usual the human mind finds ways to use innovations in a positive or in a negative manner. Here are two street habits I came across lately: 1/ Bluetooth selective car robbery: people leave inadvertenlyt thier computer on 'standby modus' , however the bluetooth is transmitting, allowing anyone with a phone around to easily check the presence of a computer. 2/ Video that bag robbery: blurring between reality and not- it's real if it is filmed. 3/ The happy slapping phenomenon: spread from the UK and well into France. A sociologist explains that the youth find a way of 'being alive' by imitationg the live soap tvs where it is a habit to make jokes and humiliate others; the pictures from Iraq prisoners being humiliated has also created some mimetism http://www.textually.org/picturephoning/archives/2006/05/012394.htm Swiss authorities ask public for camphone shots of hooligans For the first time, Swiss authorities have made a public appeal to the public to submit cameraphone shots or videos of the hooligans rioting - following a football match last Saturday night (between the Basel and Zurich teams) - in hope to identify the culprits. http://news.findlaw.com/ap/e/53/05-05-2006/4695002c4745fc95.html Filming violence with cell phones alarms authorities around Europe http://www.connaitre-ses-droits.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=18797&post_id=44853 The happy slapping phenomenon is described in this article: the act of slapping a bypasser is only interesting if it actually is filmed. http://www.ladepeche.com/aff_art.asp?ref=200605151283 in essence: you live if you are on the mobile phone http://www.lexpress.fr/info/societe/dossier/faitdiv/dossier.asp?ida=438082 http://www.lefigaro.fr/magazine/20060505.MAG000000381_le_portable_de_tous_les_forfaits.html |W|P|114741758035512199|W|P|Happy slapping and other Street habits and mobile|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com5/03/2006 12:56:00 PM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|A new name has been launched called PlazZza. Service to be launched on 15th of May 2006. PlazZza is a mobile search engine related to a data base which contains addresses of independant WAP content providers. These content providers distribute their contents separately from the existing portals of the Mobile Operators PlazZza enables you to find content very easily: using a key word or category one can search for a service. It is possible to send a free SMS to the 4444 (or the 7890 for the services reserved to the adults) with a specific hitcode corresponding to a content provider on the PlazZza platform. PlazZza is accessible as a link on the existing WAP portals of Mobistar and Proximus from the start. http://www.vergelijking.be/nieuws_detail.php?id=548 http://www.digimedia.be/detail05.asp?Id=3037 http://www.astel.be/Proximus-Mobistar-et-BASE-annoncent-PlazZza|W|P|114648101259890889|W|P|PlazZza- multi-operator content platform launched|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com5/01/2006 09:05:00 PM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|Le Soir informs us of an initiative of the advertiser JC Decaux. This company will install bluetooth beams in its advertisements in order to channel information towards the by-passers. More info: http://www.lesoir.be/sites_sat/viedunet/societe/page_6085_428823.shtml http://www.mobinaute.com/mobinaute/article.php?id=20060420105614|W|P|114659705318190847|W|P|Blue-casting links to be used on AD-display|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com5/01/2006 02:28:00 PM|W|P|Tanguy De Lestré|W|P|The city of Antwerp introduces a new way of paying your parking ticket: by using your mobile phone. De company Parkline http://www.parkline.be manages the new system. When you enter the parking ground, a call is made to a mobile phone with a code of the parking zone. When leaving the zone this code is provided too. A monthly bill states the parking costs.|W|P|114648673425432929|W|P|Parking ticket paid with your GSM|W|P|tanguy.delestre@gmail.com